Submitted papers (without the author’s name) are sent for review by at least two reviewers. Remarks and suggestions of editors and reviewers (without names of reviewers) are submitted to the author for the final design of the paper. The accepted paper, after professional and editorial processing, is sent to the author’s reading before publication, to the corresponding author. Any corrections should be made within three days. Accepted papers are published in the order determined by the Editorial Board at the proposal of the editor-in-chief.

Papers are published bilingually.

Foreign names mentioned in the text are transcribed into Serbian, and in parentheses, after their first use in the text, the original name is entered. For example, Доналд Трамп (Donald Trump), Ото Фрајзиншки (Otto von Freising), Шарл де Гол (Charles de Gaulle), Борис Јељцин (Борис Ельцин). If the names are Greek, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, etc., the English transcription is used. For example, Никита Хонијата (Niкetas Choniates), Гамал Абдел Насер (Gamal Abdel Nasser), Си Ђинпинг (Xi Jinping), Бенјамин Нетанјаху (Benjamin Netanyahu) etc. In the English version, if there is a difference between the English name and the original name, the original name is entered in parentheses. For example, Otto of Freising (Otto von Freising), Victor Emmanuel II (Vittorio Emanuele II). If the names are Cyrillic, Greek, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, the English transcription is used. For example, Boris Yeltsin, Niкetas Choniates, Xi Jinping, Benjamin Netanyahu, etc.

Toponyms (cities, rivers, mountains, etc.) mentioned in the text are transcribed into Serbian, and in parentheses next to the original name, if it differs, a transcription into English is also required. For example, Версај (Versailles), Тибар (Tevere / Tiber), Харков (Харків / Kharkiv) etc. In the English version, the transcription is used, and the original writing, only if there is a difference, is entered in parentheses. For example, Tiber (Tevere), Mexico City (Ciudad de México), etc. If toponyms are in Cyrillic, Greek alphabet, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, etc., only transcribed names are used. For example. Yangtze, Dnieper, Siberia, etc.

Foreign terms are originally written in italics, and their translation and meaning can, if necessary, be explained in a footnote. For example, status quo, Acta est fabula, etc.




Papers are prepared in accordance with the APA (APA – American Psychological Association) standard. The parts of the paper are: title, abstract with key words, text of the paper, literature (reference list), appendices. Pages are numbered (in the lower right corner), starting with the title page.

Type the abstract (Abstract) and keywords (Keywords) without spacing (Line Spacing: Single – 1.0). The text should be written in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, with indented paragraphs (First line) 1.27 cm, spacing (Line spacing) 1.5 and margins Normal 2.5 cm. Volume of work has to be up to 12 pages. The scope does not include: name, surname, author’s affiliation, article title, abstract, keywords, list of references, or notes in footnotes.

Footnotes in the form of notes are entered with the command Insert – Reference – Footnote, and are written in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, Line Spacing: Single (1.0), aligned on the left and right margins, option Justify. 



The author’s name and surname are written in the middle, in small letters – Bold, Font Size 12. Scientific papers can have a maximum of three co-authors, although the Editorial Board encourages independent publication of papers. After each author’s/co-author’s last name, a footnote mark is placed, in which the associate/teaching/scientific title of the author/co-author (e.g. full professor), affiliation (e.g. Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia), electronic address (e-mail) and year of birth for each of the authors/co-authors (eg “Born in 1968”). It is considered that the first signed author is in charge of correspondence with the Editorial Office, and if this is not the case, in the footnote containing the e-mail address of the author in charge of correspondence, “for correspondence” and the mobile phone number should be indicated.

The TITLE is written in the middle, in capital letters – Bold, Font Size 14. The title of the paper should be short, clear and informative, without abbreviations, and correspond to the content of the paper. The footnote next to the title serves to indicate the name and number of the project within which the article was written (optional).

Abstract (up to 250 words), written below the title in the middle in small letters – Italic, Font Size 12. The Abstract in Serbian and English, written in short and clear sentences, includes Introduction/Aim, Basic assumption of the research, Methods (research methods, basic procedures, sampling), Results (most important findings) and Conclusion. It is necessary to emphasize the new and significant aspects of the presented research. After the Abstract,  written in a new line are:

Keywords (Bold/Italic, Font Size 12), and lists up to five terms, or phrases (Normal, Font Size 12). Since the papers are published bilingually, they do not contain a Summary.



The text of the paper begins on a new page. It is desirable, but not mandatory, for scientific papers to be in a structured IMRD format that contains: Introduction/Aim of the conducted research, Presentation of the applied research methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. In the case of scientific papers categorized as “Short communication”, or as “Scientific criticism, polemics, reviews”, structuring is not necessary.

Subheadings should be avoided, and if necessary, write them in the middle, without numbering – use the subtitle level option (Heading 1,2,3).

Tables, graphs, photos are inserted into the text itself. Drawings, maps, photographs, graphs and other illustrations are submitted in JPG or TIFF format, with a resolution greater than 300 x 300 dots per inch.

Tables should be simple and standard (Word design). Indents and alignments in tables must be done by automatic formatting, not by manually adding spaces. Above is the number and title of the table, and below is the source. Font size of title, source and text in tables: Font Size 11.



In accordance with the APA standard, citations and references are made exclusively within the text (APA Citation Style – American Psychological Association, The use of footnotes is allowed for the purpose of notes, in order to avoid burdening the text itself.

The quoted source is entered in the text as follows: References>Style (APA)>Insert citation>Add new source. Select the type of source (book, article, etc.) and fill in the fields shown (author, title, year, city, publisher, etc.). After finishing the text, a Bibliography is created based on the entered sources: References>Style (APA)>Bibliography.

In the text, all references, including those in the Serbian language, are given in Latin. Surnames of Serbian authors are written using our diacritical marks in the Latin alphabet: č, ć, dž, đ, š, ž. The last name of the author, the year of publication of the work and, if necessary, the page from which something is quoted are indicated.

If they are transcribed, they must be mentioned in parentheses in the original. If there are more than two authors, the last name of the first author and the abbreviation “et al.” (depending on the language in which the work was published). For example. Scott (Scott, 2004); McKinley and Hyde (McKinley & Hyde, 1996); Thomson and colleagues (Thomson et al., 1999); Savić et al. (Savić et al., 2006). When referring to several authors at the same time, within the same bibliographic bracket, their works are listed alphabetically, i.e. in alphabetical order. Example: (Brzezinski, 2015; Chomsky, 2013; Robertson, 1992).



The Reference list is unique for both versions of the work. The list of used works should include only the sources to which the author refers in the paper. Serial numbers should not be placed in front of references. Reference titles are always written in Latin, even when the original is in Cyrillic or another script. The works are listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name, the first line with indentation (First Line) and with a Line spacing of 1.5.

If several works by the same author are cited, the works are presented in chronological order (from the oldest to the most recent work). If there are several authors, the reference is listed according to the last name of the first author, but contains the last names and initials of the other authors. If there are several works by the same author with the same year of publication, the works should be marked with the letters a, b, c, etc., with the year of publication in parentheses (eg: 2012a, 2012b). Serbian surnames are given in Latin and Serbian diacritical marks are used (Č, Ć, Dž, Đ, Š, Ž) – they are given according to their order in the Serbian alphabet.







Krga, B. (2017). Strategija nacionalne bezbednosti u teoriji i praksi. Beograd: MC Odbrana.

Bartky, S. (1990). Feminity and domination: Studies in the phenomenology of oppression. New York: Routledge.


In text: (Krga, 2017); (Bartky, 1990: 52).


Articles in serial publications:

Tanasković, D. (2018). Turska i prvi svetski rat. Diplomatija i bezbednost, 1(2), 35-46.

Edwards, A. A., Steacy, L. M., Siegelman, N., Rigobon, V. M., Kearns, D. M., Rueckl, J. G., & Compton, D. L. (2022). Unpacking the unique relationship between set for variability and word reading development: Examining word- and child-level predictors of performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(6), 1242-1256.


In text: (Tanasković, 2018); (Edwards at al., 2022)


Articles in thematic collections, chapters in scientific monographs, announcements in the collections of scientific conferences:

Marković, M. (2006). Evolucija Kosovskog problema i mogućnosti njegovog rešenja. U S. Karamata i Č. Ocić (ur.), Srbi na Kosovu i Metohiji (str. 53-64). Beograd: SANU.

Calogero, R. M., Boroughs, M. & Thompson, J. (2007). The impact of Western beauty ideals on the lives of women and men: A sociocultural perspective. In V. Swami & A. Furnham (Ed.), Body beautiful: Evolutionary and sociocultural perspectives (pp. 259-298). NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Whipple, S. (2018, March 6-9). Control beliefs as a moderator of stress on anxiety [Paper presentation]. Southeastern Psychological Association 64th Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, United States.


In text: (Marković, 2006); (Calogero, Boroughs & Thompson, 2007); (Whipple, 2018).



Doctoral dissertations and master’s theses:

Petrović, P. (2022). Bezbednosna politika Srbije u XX veku. Doktorska disertacija, Beograd: Fakultet bezbednosti, Univerzitet u Beogradu.


In text: (Petrović, 2022: 22).


Web pages:

Cain, K. (2012, October 23). The negative effects of Facebook on communication. Social Media Today. Retrieved May 6, 2020, from

Center for Systems Science and Engineering. (2020, May 5). COVID-19 dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Johns Hopkins University & Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Center. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from


In text: (Cain, 2012); (Center for Systems Science and Engineering, 2020)


Newspaper electronic (online) article:

Spalović, D. (2023, May 26). Varhelji na Kosmetu: Što pre sprovesti Ohridski sporazum, uključujući ZSO. Politika.

Russia and Saudi Arabia’s Oil Partnership Shows Strain. (2023, Jun 6). The New York Times.


In text: (Spalović, 2023); (“Russia and Saudi Arabia’s Oil”, 2001).


Printed newspaper article:

Petrović, K. (2020, May 27). Savremeni srpsko-mađarski odnosi. Politika.1-2.


In text: (Petrović, 2020: 1-2).



Zakon o izvršenju i obezbeđenju. Službeni glasnik RS, br. 106/2015.


In text: (Zakon o izvršenju i obezbeđenju, 2015)


Official documents:

Pravilnik o programu svih oblika rada stručnih saradnika. (2015). Prosvetni glasnik, Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, br. 8/2015.

European Commission. (2004). Meeting document, Permanent Representation Committee, 2075th meeting on 1 and 3 December 2004 (DS/817/1/04 [soc]). Unpublished document.

National Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90- 1679). US Government.


In text: (National Institute of Mental Health, 1990).


Archival materials:

Arhiv Srbije. (1888, April 19). MID, K-T, f 2, r93/1894. Izveštaj Ministarstva inostranih dela o postavljenju konzula. Beograd.

Hicks, H. D. (1956, October 24). Correspondence from Henry Davies Hicks to the Annapolis County electorate. Henry Davies Hicks fonds (MS-2-511, Box 15, Folder 9). Dalhousie University Archives, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.


In text: (Arhiv Jugoslavije, 1888), (Hicks, 1956).





Dictionary and encyclopedia:

American Psychological Association. (2015). Mood induction. In APA dictionary of psychology (2nd ed., p. 667). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hurthouse, R., & Pettigrove, G. (2016). Virtue ethics. In E. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy.

Heuristic. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. Retrieved October 21, 2020, from


In text: (APA, 2015); (Hurthouse & Pettigrove, 2016); (Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary).


Movie, series, YouTube video:

Davidson, F. (Producer), & Davidson, J. (Director). (1999). B. F. Skinner: A fresh appraisal [Motion picture]. USA: Davidson Films.

Apsolon, M. (2011, September 9). Real ghost girl caught on Video Tape 14 [Video].


In text: (Davidson & Davidson, 1999).



A detailed guide to the APA style of citation/citing references/ can be found on the official website of the American Psychological Association:





Papers that do not comply with the given instructions will not be considered for publication in the journal. Papers should be sent in electronic form to the email address:  and .


With the paper, it is necessary to attach the Author’s Statem ent about the originality of the paper, which can be downloaded from the journal’s website,