Conference Multicultural Group 2023


Multicultural Group” in cooperation with international partners and universities, on December 28 current year, is holding an international conference: “Modern World Challenges: Regulation of Human Rights, Social Security and Welfare in the Modern Multicultural World”.

The aim of the conference is to exchange and compare the views of leading academic circles professionals, scientists, researchers and doctoral students about modern world challenges. The conference is the main interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and professors to present and discuss their views on current processes.

Participants should be professors-teachers from any authorized higher educational institution, researchers, students of master’s and doctoral programs.


International Relations; Business and Economy; Medicine; IT; Legal studies; Tourism; Journalism; Education; Philology.

Working languages – Georgian, English.

Format: online via Zoom Platform

The conference is scheduled: December 28, 2023, at 12:00.

The deadline for abstract submission is December 5, 2023. The abstract must be about 150-250 words with 5-7 keywords. The abstract should include – the title of the report, information about the author (name, surname, university/school, faculty, program; e-mail).

The abstract will be peer relieved by the field experts. The notification of abstract approval is December 10, 2023. The abstracts should be sent to the following mail


The deadline for full paper (not mandatory) submission is please see each journal’s web.  The deadline for full paper (not mandatory) submission (chapter) December 31.

Note: after the conference, all the papers which satisfied the required standards can be submitted to one of the following publishers:

Chaptered book in IGI Global

Chaptered book in IJOPEC Publication

Journal of Liberty and International Affairs

International Journal of Social and Educational Sciences

European Scientific Journal

Journal of Imagination (İmgelem)

HABITUS Journal of Sociology

CUDES Journal

Diplomacy and Security


Additional requirements:

  • The presented conference paper must have one or two authors;
  • In the case of the participation of a master’s or doctoral student, it is necessary to indicate the supervisor’s name, surname, and academic degree;
  • The presented abstract should be in accordance with the purpose of the conference and should be formatted according to the requirements:

Language – Georgian, English

Page format – A4;

Font – Sylfaen;

Font size – 11;

Interval – 1.15